Sunday, September 12, 2010

23 Things You Didn't Know

1. I am an avid lip bitter. I do it without realizing, it kinda sucks because everyone knows when I'm nervous.

2. My fingernails and toe nails have to be matching when I paint them, I'm just a perfectionist that way.

3. I'm always early. Like always. I'm convinced if I don't leave early enough I'll be late, I cant handle being late and so I am a punctuality freak.

4. I swear a lot - Its bad, I know.

5. If I get a new book I wont be satisfied until I've read all of it. I cant make it last like most people over a week. I have to finish it as soon as possible as though I'm in competition with someone, the only one competing is myself.

6. I obsessed with British bands.

7. I have the awful habit of picking off my mascara when I'm bored of it at the end of the day. I'm convinced I'll end up with zero eyelashes by the time I'm 30.

8. Unexpected hugs from behind and nuzzles on the neck are my favorites.9. I'm not one of those superficial girls who need to wear makeup every time of the day, in fact I prefer myself without makeup. Its a weird sense of freedom leaving the house without a mask.

10. I love to read quotes off the internet or in books, they make my life seem so more easy than it actually is, that being said I've been told repeatedly that I make my life harder than it should be... its probably true.
11. I can get fixated on a song for ages, have to replay it before it gets boring then find it a few months later whilst browsing my iTunes and become addicted again.

12. I'm the pessimistic type which grates me a lot. The cup has always been half empty with me, which is why I'm trying to live a little more optimistically.

13. I get strangely inspired at random times, for example the name of one my characters for my book came from watching Jersey Shore. Bizarre.

14. My knees are stupidly ticklish.

15. Half the time I'm convinced this isnt just it, theres more to life than what we're making of it, until I get sidetracked by something...

16. I over-analyze everything.

17. I'm convinced I'm destined for something great. Ha! I can only hope.

18. I am in love with the idea of love.19. I'm way too forgiving but I do not forget easily. You have to work to earn my trust.

20. I enjoy my own company, I love feeling independent.

21. My favorite part of seeing a movie at the theater is the upcoming film trailers they show before the film starts, I get all giddy and clap my hands like a small kid.

22. I like listening to depressing songs when I'm sad.

23. I've always wanted an adventure, an action packed, sword fighting, damsel in distress, prince charming type of adventure. I'll let you know when I encounter one...