Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Yesterday evening, after spending way too much money shopping, me and Far went and saw Inception. I'd heard about Inception, that its supposedly the best movie of the year, 'Astounding' was a word I kept seeing and boy were they right. Its not often that you see a film that lives up to such heightened expectations. They say its right up there with Avatar. Literally actually, considering its been ranked the 3rd best movie in the world. Oh yeah the world. Told you it was good. Its a film you have to really think about and keep up with instead of getting slightly bored and letting your mind wonder for a few minutes (like mine does for most films). I wont say much about it only that it really made me keen to learn about dreaming, the idea of what dreams actually are and of course the ending. Ugh. Seriously if you've seen it you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, at the end everyone in my cinema sort of let out a loud gasp, I, myself, went "the bastards!" which got many people sitting next to me laughing. Its original and definitely one to remember. Anyway, Inception is pretty amazing, so go see it now. RIGHT NOW! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I swear I tried. Someone has been trying to hack into my blog and because of all the failed attempts my account was locked. Someone definitely needs to get a life, its true. Later.